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"There is no more powerful advocate than a parent armed with information and options."
                                                        Rod Paige, Secretary of Education

     Over the years special education laws have been adopted, amended, reauthorized and continue to evolve  to provide all children with an equal education. Parents of exceptional children need to be knowledgeable of these laws to be able to advocate for their children. Whether you are a new parent seeking information or just staying abreast of current legislation, a place has been created for you to become familiar with the laws of special education which govern our public schools.  


Special Education Legislation: Know your Rights!
The History of Special Education in the United States

The Legislative and Litigation History of Special Education


Court cases, cultural changes, and legislation that have had an impact on making special education what it is today.


Provides research and analysis of promote effective policies and programs for children.


Federal Laws, Legislation & Policies
The Individual Education Plan (IEP) and the Law.
Policy and Advocacy Organizations

The largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.


     An independent, nonprofit, national organization, that protects the legal and civil rights of                 students with disabilities and their families.


Protects and advocates for the rights of people with disabilities across the United States and the territories to ensure educational opportunities for students with disabilities.


Provides information to help parents, educators and other professionals understand legal requirements and meet student needs. This site contains information and resources about a variety of education law topics including physical restraints in schools, special education and No Child Left Behind.


A special education legal resource discussing case law, news, practical advocacy advice and developments in state and federal laws, statutes and regulations.


Parents, educators, advocates and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law and advocacy for children with disabilities.

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